How To Attract Birds Zine
How To Attract Birds Zine
Discover the avian wisdom of S. Louise Patteson, and all of the advice and information you need to create your own bird feeders, squirrel-proof them, and attract a wide variety of birds to your yard. S. Louise Patteson muses about what it's like to have birds for neighbours, and contemporary readers will appreciate the conversational style and Patteson's affection for our fine feathered friends.
5.5" x 4.25"
136 Pages
Portland's most colourful, authentic, and empowering publishing house and distributor, Microcosm Publishing equips readers to make positive changes in their lives and in the world around them. Microcosm emphasizes skill-building, showing hidden histories, and fostering creativity through challenging conventional publishing wisdom with books and zines about DIY skills, food, bicycling, gender, self-care, and social justice.